Robert Taylor III, Author


Being A Youth Leader That Really Makes A Difference

You find yourself staring into the eyes of
teenagers so desperately wanting to impact their lives. You’re
not sure who all voted or even when the vote took place, but
you were informed, “Congratulations, you’ve been chosen to
be our youth leader.” Unfortunately, this title came with no job
description, no plan of action, no volunteer team, no budget,
and no idea where to start. All you know is your leader asked
you to help the teens get closer to God. Now you’re thinking,
“How in the world do I possibly do that? Am I the one for
the job?” Take a deep breath and put a big smile on your
face because you chose the perfect book. We’re going to walk
this journey together. I will teach you various principles and
procedures that caused me to be a successful Youth Leader for
20-plus years. My approach is DIFFERENT, but it’s guaranteed
to help you make a difference in the lives of teenagers.


Life is full of questions. Some you know how to answer, others you don't. The most important question of your life is asked by Jesus. "Will you accept me into your heart?" You may be unsure of your answer right now, but God really desires you to SAY YES.

Robert Taylor III discusses:

• What it really means to be born again

• Why me, why now?

• How to let Jesus in your heart

• You don't have to be perfect for Jesus to help you.

This book will prepare you to give Jesus an answer to the biggest question of your life. Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. - John 3:3 KJV


Many people receive the gift of salvation by accepting Jesus Christ, but fail to understand what should happen next. Have you ever wondered, "What do I do now that I'm born again? Or, "I've said the prayer of salvation, but now what?". Have you said yes to God but you're not really sure what's beyond that yes? In this book Robert Taylor III provides answers to those very real questions. He shares personal life stories, humor, and Bible scriptures to guide anyone into a stronger personal relationship with God.

In these pages you'll discover:

  • How to stay committed to God

  • How to recover from mistakes

  • How to deal with the pressure of sin

  • How to deal with salvation haters

  • How to talk to God

This book will take you from your initial decision for Christ, to a passionate relationship with Him.

In 2012 Minister Robert wrote and self-published a children church curriculum for 1st-5th graders. In 2017 he wrote and acted in his 2nd nonprofit short film called Rematch". In 2017 Minister Robert released a downloadable sermon series for teens called "Reload Your Life" volume 1. In 2018 he released volume 2 of this series.

Minister Robert believes that we have only begun to see how this generation will experience the power of God. Thousands of teenagers will continue to be impacted and transformed by the ministry of Robert Taylor.